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Hitachi Promotional Video ~Day Trip~


(Japanese translation is below the English text)

Hello! This is Laura, the French CIR from the Ibaraki Prefectural Office.

On November 5th, Cedric and I went to Hitachi for the first time to discover the city! It was a day of many new experiences and we had a lot of fun. Hitachi is very welcoming, which made the entire day so much better. Hitachi is quite famous for their Sakura trees however, coming during the autumn season was worth it as the scenery around the city was beautiful.

We were invited by the Hitachi City Hall to visit their city in order to show it from the foreigners' point of view. The tour included special dishes, vegetables/apples picking and encounters with local people. Filming all day was a bit nerve-wracking and awkward but eventually, we made it through!

It was one of my most interesting days as a CIR, therefore I hope that I will able to do it again someday, whether it is for Hitachi again or for an another city. I would also like to thank the staff that were very patient with us that day !



Hey guys, this is Cedric!

I’ve been filmed before for school projects in High School and University but never for an actual cable company’s TV show, let alone act in front of camera. So needless to say I was pretty nervous about how well this ordeal was going to pan out. Thankfully the staff we worked with was super welcoming, encouraging and funny. Their easy-going attitude instantly calmed me down and made it easy to be myself in front of the camera.

The places we visited in Hitachi were all fantastic! The tofu shop’s donuts were so delicious that I’m currently on the hunt to get some more. The shrine was placed in a beautiful, nature heavy setting that made me forget that there was a bustling city 10mins down the road. The vegetable and apple farmers were extremely kind and helped a lot during our harvesting trial. I’ll never forget pulling that huge daikon out of the ground, or the surprisingly delicious, vegetable heavy “kenchin jiru” (although I don't usually appreciate vegetables). All in all, it was an unforgettable experience that I’ll be forever grateful for having the chance to partake in.


11月5日に同僚のセドリックと初めて日立市を訪れました。たくさんの体験ができ,とても楽しめました。日立市のおもてなしで,より良い一日になりましたね。日立市は,桜で有名ですが,秋の時期でも美しい景色が楽しめますよ。 今回,私たちは,日立市役所からの依頼で,外国人の視点で市を紹介するため招かれました。名物料理や野菜栽培,リンゴ狩りなどの紹介とともに地元の皆さんとのふれあいもありました。一日がかりの撮影は,ちょっと緊張して,ぎこちなくなったけど,何とかやり遂げました!  今回は,CIRとして最も面白い体験の一つだったので,また日立市でも別の街でも,いつかできるといいかな。一日お付き合いいただいたスタッフの皆さんに感謝です。


 学生時代に撮影の経験はありましたが,実際のケーブルTVへの出演は初めてだったので,どのように番組にまとまるか心配でした。有難いことにスタッフの皆さんは,すごく優しくて,やる気をださせてくれて,面白い人たちでした。この「ゆるさ」のおかげで,カメラの前でも落ち着くことができました。  僕たちが訪れた日立市はどこも素晴らしかった!豆腐店のドーナツはとても美味しく,すぐにまた買いにいこうと思ってます。訪れた神社は、美しく、豊富な自然のなかにあり、市の中心に居ることを忘れてしまうかのようです。野菜やリンゴ農家の皆さんはとても親切で、僕たちの収穫体験を手助けしてもらいました。巨大な大根を大地から引き抜く体験は忘れられません。野菜が苦手な僕にもけんちん汁はとても美味しかった!忘れることのできない機会を与えてくれて,ありがとうございました!

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